Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Heaven & Hell is just within

Todayzzz W.O.W.! Wordz of Wizdom dom dom
If you've called 323.632.4867 then you've heard:

There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.  William Shakespeare"Hamlet", Act 1 scene 5 (1564 - 1616)

Annnnd THIS is why you one shouldn't argue with people. Debating can be healthy, enlightening, even inspiring and good for the blood to move through the body. When people try to convince you of what happens when we die, different God(s), what he/she/it says you should and shouldn't do in certain situations, who should kill and who shouldn't, when is A TIME TO KILL (one of my favorites next to Shawshank), or even just trying to speak for other human beings (especially babies, fetuses, and egges & sperm cells), they need to understand that there are more things in heaven & earth than they've conjured up within their line of reasoning.

Now, this doesn't mean that we can't receive all that heaven & earth have to offer. This starts with being humble. The 5 senses can't sense when they are being used and doin their jobs. We have to calm our souls, mind, and physical senses to receive true heaven & earth wisdom. Then, share it only with those who will respect us as divine (as we mutually return this respect to them). When we overstand that our writings, speeches, talks, blogs are only messages to ourselves, when others choose to join our journey and listen to us, we are truely one we each other, heaven, and earth. 

Re: Solution (ary): Have a by-yourself-meeting, DAILY!

Your Regent Guardian,
Citizen Charlie Kane (bay buh, bayy bayyyyy!!!!) 323.632.4867

JOIN THE RESOLUTIONARY PAX MOVEMNT by sending an email to RezPaxMove@yahoo.com "I want to join" in the subject & "Original RPM Member" in the body.

Monday, January 2, 2012

A Whole New World

Todayzzz W.O.W.! Wordz of Wizdom dom dom
If you've called 323.632.4867 then you've heard: “You cannot solve a problem from the same consciousness that created it. You must learn to see the world anew.” –Albert Einstein

visit: www.111111.co (not .COM) & Join The Resolutionary Pax Movement. We need 7 billion+ emailz...

For this reason, I have decided to stop storing everything on my hard drive and start sharing my creations with the world. I have declared on this internet that we can solve world poverty in 1 year...We have 364 dayz left. 

A world anew, for me, is to not involve alcohol for this 364 days, greet people with a smile as my introduction, ignore toxic folk, write everyday, and allow my contacts to actually help me progress on this mission like they offer to and I often turn them down. 

I suspect that simply dissolving into the whole will do wonders for my soul. Since we are all connected, I see a world which is in my best interest to take care to everything in it as I take care of everything with myself. Since it's Jan. 2, 2012, this is only the beginning of a self-cultivating journey. By sharing this blog, my ideas, listening to other's ideas, concerns, cares, I'll be committed to a discipline enforced by the world. THIS WILL MAKE ME A F@#KIN' BEAST!

Re: Solution (ary): Whenever you do something routine throughout your day, the higher the stakes, the quicker you should consciously think this: "DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT THIS TIME!" 

Your Regent Guardian,
Citizen Charlie Kane (bay buh, bayy bayyyyy!!!!) 323.632.4867