Monday, October 31, 2011

PLANZ! How many of us have themmm? PLANZ! One's we can depend on.

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Todayzzz W.O.W.! Wordz of Wizdom dom dom
If you've called 323.632.4867 then you've heard: "Planz that are written don't fail, they just don't get completed. Therefore, a plan to remember is one that you can remember."

They, the experts, say that 80% of businesses fail within the first 5 yearz. A lot of analysis is offered as to why, but nothing of solution. As you know, this is THE RESOLUTIONARY PAX MOVEMENT. Which meanz that we don't TALK anything here unless we can SOLVE it.

I noticed that if I keep my planz in my head, I'm more likely to blitz through a day productively. The moment I jot bullets down on a memo pad, forgeddaboudit!. Out of 20 itemz, I MIGHT accomplish 4. Perhaps, this is why some our most successful hiphop artists like Jay Z, Lil Wayne don't write down their lyrics.

Businesses are supposed to be started with a "Business Plan." I understand that in order to secure funding, partnerships, etc., one must have their "ducks in a row." However, I think a budget would suffice to show this. Afterall, the numbers don't lie. Or maybe this, don't make a business plan unless someone SERIOUSLY wants to invest/partner with you; because, then your INTENT is not planning but SHARING. This is a big difference. As energy passes through us in conjunction with the Multiverses of past, present, future combined, our intent is trapped in mediumz that we choose, whether that medium be: written biz plan, song, movie, stageplay, comic book, etc. "Intentionz" and "thoughts" may be invisible, but their tangibility can be witnessed in where they are housed.
So, if your intent when writing is investment, it is not planning, and therefore not a business plan.

Re: Solution (ary): If you can't remember your plan, it might not be its time, yet. 

Your Regent Guardian,
Citizen Charlie Kane (bay buh, bayy bayyyyy!!!!) 323.632.4867

++listen to CCK & Drey everyday online @ IGAGOFU Radio: (here's the shortlink)